The War in Afghanistan

The War in Afghanistan first started on 2001, it didn't stop. Even now the issue is still here. Though president President Obama is trying to end the war. Today, December 1st Obama changed his strategies and decided to send 30 000 to 35 000 additional troops to Afghanistan. This War has negative effects for Afghanistan as well as America. Economically America is a very rich nation, though they waste a lot of money in this war. Thus, instead of taking care of more important issues such as trying to find the cure to important sicknesses they use more of their money for the war. Of course Afghanistan has many more problem. Their economy is already very low. With America sending troops to Afghanistan more buildings will fall, and they don't have the resources to pay this. Even the people shouldn't have problems, this war is between terrorists and America. Innocent people die of this, which then separates families or ruins years and years of hard labor. In this case even America suffers, many people who work in the army died during this war. Nevertheless I still think that Afghanistan is the one that is affected by this war, during a war people lose all they have, every precious thing is taken away from them. Even the food and water resources get smaller, thus less people can eat and drink properly. Even medicine isn't found easily. Furthermore even hospitals get full, so less people survive. People react too, they want to be safe, they want to have some security. People then decide to rebel, which then affects the government that already has enough problems dealing with this war.
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