-The union got back together, after years of disagreement a final resolution has been made about this issue.
-Freedom for African Americans that had to work for years before getting free. The civil brought freedom for a lot of them. Though as discussed in the failures, they were not equal.
-Everyone had education, even in the south. Therefor even African Americans could become literates.
-The failure is that it was hard for black people to get accepted into the community as physically and socially equal as white people. A rule should have been made making everyone equal, black and whites.
-Poverty, especially for African Americans, they had issues getting jobs because they were not treated equally. Of course other white man were poor also because jobs were not very easy to find and the war scavenged a lot of the southerns and norther's industries and land.
-Corruption, it was happening more and more often. Making people who didn't deserve to get richer much more powerful. Hardworking people often had less money than people who used corruption.
-KKK, this clan was powerful, and the Jim Craw Laws, those supported discrimination.
-The taxes got higher.
-Land was redistributed, in this case it was distributed equally for people.
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